Elections Act (2022 Revision) Section 39(2)(e)

  1. An elector must not vote at more than one polling station. 

  2. An elector may vote for 1 candidate only. If the elector votes for more than 1 candidate the ballot paper is void and none of the votes will be counted.

  3. If an elector attempts to give an answer more than 1 vote, only 1 vote will be awarded.

  4. An elector votes for a candidate by placing an X to the right of the candidate’s name, thus

  5. If an elector marks the ballot paper in any way that will identify the elector the ballot paper will be rejected.

  6. After voting, an elector must fold the ballot paper along the line shown on the ballot paper and hand the folded ballot paper to the Presiding Officer.

  7. The Presiding Officer will, in the full view of those present including the elector, remove the counterfoil from the ballot paper and return the ballot paper to the elector who will deposit the ballot paper in the ballot box; except where the elector is unable from physical or other disability to deposit the ballot paper in the ballot box, the presiding officer will, on the elector’s behalf, deposit the ballot paper in the ballot box.

  8. If an elector inadvertently spoils a ballot paper that person can obtain another one by returning the spoilt one to the Presiding Officer.

  9. A person given a ballot paper must not take it from the polling station.

  10. After voting an elector must leave the polling station.

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